Wellness Series Brochures

Our wellness series brochures are unlike anything else in the industry! Your patients are frequently asking you about more than just pain; they are asking about how to live a wellness and prevention lifestyle. Use these chiropractic focused wellness brochures to help your community on a variety of wellness topics.  Visit the brochure packages page if you are interested in purchasing this entire series.

  • Core Stability Brochure

    Core stability is an important but often misunderstood topic.  Help teach your practice members the importance of developing a stable core with this brochure.  

    This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.

  • Dangers of Sitting Brochure

    Prolonged sitting has become a worldwide problem and your practice members are suffering because of it! Educate your community on the dangers of sitting and why a change is needed. 

    This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.

  • Gluten Free Diets Brochure

    The harmful effects of gluten are now well publicized, however there are still many misunderstandings on exactly what gluten is and why it should be avoided.  This brochure outlines the basics of a gluten-free diet. 

    This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.

  • High Intensity Interval Training Brochure

    Many of today's new workout plans are focusing on high intensity interval training; use this brochure to teach your practice members why this style of training is so beneficial.

    This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.

  • Modern Day Ergonomics Brochure

    Share some ergonomic advice with your practice members that is relevant to today's modern devices - desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets are all addressed.  

    This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.

  • Omega 3 Supplementation Brochure

    Omega 3 fatty acids (and Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratios) are critical to every cell - make sure your practice members understand exactly why they should be taking Omega 3 supplements as part of their approach to wellness. 

    This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.

  • Probiotics Supplementation Brochure

    Properly educate your practice members on the benefits of probiotics and how they help to restore the body's natural immunity.

    This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.

  • Vitamin D Supplementation Brochure

    Vitamin D is one of the least expensive and most beneficial supplements that your practice members are probably lacking - educate them on the importance with this brochure. 

    This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
