Chiropractic and Wellness Brochures
Chiropractic brochures should be a key piece of your internal and external practice marketing strategy. At Wellness Media, we've taken careful consideration to produce brochures that address all aspects of your wellness practice. We offer classic titles that address specific conditions patients will be presenting with, however we also focus on a variety of wellness and pediatric topics that are currently unavailable anywhere else. Our brochures are professionally designed with eye-catching graphics and easy to consume content that your patients will actually want to read. All of our content is fully referenced with up to date information. Perfect for mailers, waiting rooms, new patient packages, tradeshows / screenings, etc.
ADD / ADHD and Chiropractic Brochure
Help parents understand the natural choices they can make to help better regulate their child's nervous system and manage ADD / ADHD.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Asthma and Chiropractic Brochure
Help provide information for parents on natural solutions for asthma symptom control with this pediatric chiropractic asthma brochure.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Autism and Chiropractic Brochure
Use this educational chiropractic brochure on autism to educate parents in your practice on how they can find support with the use of chiropractic care.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Baby Ergonomics Brochure
Help give parents the answers they seek on common ergonomic questions with this pediatric brochure on baby ergonomics.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Baby Wearing Brochure
Help parents in your practice understand proper baby wearing ergonomics with this baby wearing brochure. Many parents practice baby wearing techniques that are unsupportive or even harmful to their babies!
This brochure is also available in handout form here.
Also available with our:
- pregnancy premium package
- chiropractic and kids starter package
- chiropractic and kids premium package$24.00 -
Bedwetting and Chiropractic Brochure
Help build confidence in parents and children with this informative brochure on bedwetting and chiropractic. Perfect for any family practice that routinely sees school age children.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Breastfeeding and Infant Immunity Brochure
An essential piece of literature for new mothers or mothers to be, this breastfeeding and infant immunity brochure describes the countless benefits derived from nature's perfect food.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
Also available with our:
- chiropractic and kids premium package$24.00 -
Child Spinal Development Brochure
Help parents understand how their child's spine develops from infancy and how critical it is to ensure optimal development is achieved through these young, formative years.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Chiropractic Adjustments Brochure
Help educate new patients on how adjustments work with this educational chiropractic brochure; a key foundational piece important to any practice interested in educating their community on the benefits of chiropractic care.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Chiropractic and Athletes Brochure
This chiropractic and athletes brochure focuses on the benefits of regular chiropractic care for athletes, from world-class performers to everyday recreational players.
This brochure is also available in handout form here.
$24.00 -
Chiropractic and Fertility Brochure
This chiropractic brochure addresses the topic of fertility, touching on the various factors that influence fertility and the role chiropractic can play in supporting the body's natural abilities to conceive.
This brochure is also available in handout form here.
$24.00 -
Chiropractic and Kids Brochure
A key foundational brochure for any practice that sees children - help parents understand why they should bring their children of all ages in for their check-up!
See the handout version here.
Also available with our:
- wellness child package
- pregnancy premium package
- chiropractic and kids starter package
- chiropractic and kids premium package
- your child's way to welllness package$24.00 -
Chiropractic and Massage Therapy Brochure
This is a perfect brochure if your regularly refer your patients for massage therapy or if you are currently working in a multi-disciplinary office. Show your patients the benefits of integrating chiropractic care with massage therapy.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Chiropractic and Pregnancy Brochure
If you regularly care for pregnant women in your practice, this foundational brochure on the benefits of chiropractic for pregnancy is essential!
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
Also available in our:
- pregnancy starter package
- pregnancy premium package
- chiropractic and kids premium package$24.00 -
Chiropractic and the Elderly Brochure
Spinal correction and nervous system optimization is appropriate for practice members of all ages. This brochure focuses on some of the typical concerns seen in an elderly population.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Chiropractic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Brochure
Help your patients understand carpal tunnel syndrome and how a chiropractic approach can help them overcome the symptoms of CTS naturally with this educational brochure.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Chiropractic Foundation Series Brochure Package
Your foundation series brochure package includes the following twelve titles:
- What is Chiropractic
- Chiropractic & Pregnancy
- Chiropractic & the Elderly
- Chiropractic & Kids
- Your First Visit
- Chiropractic Adjustments
- Your Nervous System
- Wellness Care
- Chiropractic & Athletes
- Posture & Chiropractic
- Chiropractic & the 4th Trimester
- Posture & Fertility$225.00 -
Chiropractic Headaches Brochure
Do you ever hear practice members or others in your community talk about headaches as being just a "normal" part of life? Educate them otherwise with this chiropractic focused brochure on headaches.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Chiropractic Healing Series Brochure Package **SOLD OUT**
Your healing series brochure package includes the following ten titles:
- Spinal Degeneration
- Headaches
- Low Back Pain
- Rib Dysfunction
- Sciatica
- Subluxation
- Vertigo
- Whiplash
- Carpal Tunnel Syndome
- Neck Pain$195.00 -
Chiropractic Low Back Pain Brochure
80% of your local community will experience a moderate to severe episode of low back pain at some point in their lives. Use this chiropractic focused low back pain brochure to educate your community on back pain and how chiropractic can help.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Chiropractic Neck Pain Brochure
Neck pain is a constantly growing problem in today's society, accelerated by rapid developments in technology and an increase in sedentary lifestyles. Help your patients understand how chiropractic can help them overcome this pervasive issue.
This brochure is also available in handout format, see it here.
$24.00 -
Chiropractic Pediatric Series 2 Brochure Package
Your pediatric series 2 brochure package includes the following eight titles:
- Asthma
- Autism
- Child Spinal Development
- Baby Ergonomics
- Torticollis
- Bedwetting
- First Footwear and Gait Development$154.00 -
Chiropractic Pediatric Series Brochure Package
Your pediatric series brochure package includes the following eight titles:
- Baby Wearing
- Breastfeeding & Infant Immunity
- Co-sleeping
- Colic
- Diaper Choices
- Ear Infections
- Introducing Foods & Infant Formula
- Scoliosis$154.00 -
Chiropractic Rib Dysfunction Brochure
We've all had the experience of seeing a practice member with acute rib dysfunction; help them relax and understand what is happening with their body using this brochure.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Chiropractic Sciatica Brochure
Many of your practice members know what the term sciatica means, but far less understand why they are feeling sciatica symptoms. Help them understand the difference between cause and effect.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Chiropractic Spinal Degeneration Brochure
Chiropractors know that aging and spinal degeneration are not synonymous, but do your practice members? Help them understand the truth about spinal degeneration with this brochure.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Chiropractic Vertebral Subluxation Brochure
An essential support piece for any chiropractor, this brochure on the vertebral subluxation complex should be used as a cornerstone of any patient education strategy.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Chiropractic Vertigo Brochure
The symptoms of vertigo can be extremely alarming and disabling; use this brochure to help relieve some concerns about this distressing issue.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Chiropractic Whiplash Brochure **SOLD OUT**
If your practice regularly sees victims of motor vehicle collisions, this chiropractic focused whiplash brochure will be a useful educational tool.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Co-Sleeping Brochure
Co-sleeping is natural, healthy and safe! This pediatric brochure focuses on the benefits of co-sleeping, while dispelling myths and addressing concerns parents may have.
Also available with our:
- pregnancy premium package
- chiropractic and kids premium package$24.00 -
Colic and Chiropractic Brochure
Help educate parents on the benefits of chiropractic for infantile colic with this brochure.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.Also available with our:
- pregnancy premium package
- chiropractic and kids starter package
- chiropractic and kids premium package$24.00 -
Core Stability Brochure
Core stability is an important but often misunderstood topic. Help teach your practice members the importance of developing a stable core with this brochure.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Dangers of Sitting Brochure
Prolonged sitting has become a worldwide problem and your practice members are suffering because of it! Educate your community on the dangers of sitting and why a change is needed.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Diaper Choices Brochure
Any chiropractor with a strong pediatric practice has no doubt had this discussion. This brochure highlights the pros and cons of using disposable diapers versus cloth diapers.
Also available with our:
- pregnancy premium package
- chiropractic and kids premium package$24.00 -
Ear Infections Brochure
Drugs and surgery should not be the standard approach! Show patients another solution focused on immune system support, not destruction, with this brochure.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
Also available in our:
- chiropractic and ear infections package
- pregnancy premium package
- chiropractic and kids starter package
- chiropractic and kids premium package$24.00 -
Fever Brochure - The Healing Flame
This brochure provides education to your patients on the importance of fevers to the body as part of a natural immune system response.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
First Footwear and Gait Development Brochure
Use this pediatric chiropractic brochure to educate the parents in your practice on the development of proper gait and footwear considerations for their infant or toddler.
$24.00 -
Gluten Free Diets Brochure
The harmful effects of gluten are now well publicized, however there are still many misunderstandings on exactly what gluten is and why it should be avoided. This brochure outlines the basics of a gluten-free diet.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
High Intensity Interval Training Brochure
Many of today's new workout plans are focusing on high intensity interval training; use this brochure to teach your practice members why this style of training is so beneficial.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Introducing Foods and Infant Formula Brochure
Many parents have questions about introducing foods to their baby - use this brochure to educate them on the concepts of baby led weaning and natural transitions to solid foods.
Also available with our:
- pregnancy premium package
- chiropractic and kids premium package$24.00 -
Modern Day Ergonomics Brochure
Share some ergonomic advice with your practice members that is relevant to today's modern devices - desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets are all addressed.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Omega 3 Supplementation Brochure
Omega 3 fatty acids (and Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratios) are critical to every cell - make sure your practice members understand exactly why they should be taking Omega 3 supplements as part of their approach to wellness.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Posture and Chiropractic Brochure
This chiropractic posture brochure helps you educate practice members on the importance of proper posture and how chiropractic can influence posture.
This brochure is also available in handout form here.
$24.00 -
Probiotics Supplementation Brochure
Properly educate your practice members on the benefits of probiotics and how they help to restore the body's natural immunity.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Scoliosis and Chiropractic Brochure
Help the children and parents in your practice better understand scoliosis with this brochure. The information applies to all ages but focuses on the early stages when progression is still possible.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
Also available with our:
- chiropractic and kids starter package
- chiropractic and kids premium package$24.00 -
The 4th Trimester Chiropractic Brochure
This chiropractic brochure on the 4th trimester helps you educate moms on the importance of regular chiropractic care during this time of change as the body begins to return to its pre-pregnancy state.
This brochure is also available in handout form here.
Also available with our:
4th Trimester Chiropractic Product Package$24.00 -
Torticollis and Chiropractic Brochure
Torticollis can be a distressing problem for new parents; help put them at ease with this educational chiropractic brochure on how chiropractic care can help.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Vitamin D Supplementation Brochure
Vitamin D is one of the least expensive and most beneficial supplements that your practice members are probably lacking - educate them on the importance with this brochure.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Wellness Care Brochure
Educating your patients on wellness care is one of the greatest challenges and most important aspects of your daily interactions in practice. Use this brochure to help begin the philosophical transformations in your chiropractic office.
This brochure is also available in handout form here.
$24.00 -
Wellness Media Premium Package Chiropractic Brochures **SOLD OUT**
Your Wellness Media Premium Package includes all 47 brochure titles spanning across our 5 brochure series:
- Wellness Series
- Healing Series
- Pediatric Series
- Pediatric Series 2
- Foundation Series
Save Big by ordering your premium pack of brochures (compared to buying brochure titles individually)!
Pack of 25 - Save $69
Pack of 50 - Save $139
Pack of 100 - Save $338$895.00 -
Wellness Series Brochure Package
Your wellness series brochure package includes the following eight titles:
- Core Stability
- The Dangers of Sitting
- Gluten Free Diets
- High Intensity Interval Training
- Modern Day Ergonomics
- Omega 3 Supplementation
- Probiotics
- Vitamin D$154.00 -
What is Chiropractic Brochure
Ideal for trade shows, screenings or new patient packages, this chiropractic brochure is a foundational piece that should be found in any chiropractic office.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Your First Visit Brochure
A resource to educate new patients on their first chiropractic visit, this chiropractic brochure is a foundational piece that should be found in any chiropractic office.
This brochure is also available in handout form, see it here.
$24.00 -
Your Nervous System Brochure
This chiropractic brochure on the nervous system helps you educate your patient on the awesome power of our master controlling system and why it's so important to ensure it's functioning as optimally as possible.
This brochure is also available in handout form here.