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The 33 Principles of Chiropractic Poster
The 33 Principles of Chiropractic Poster
This clean and professional looking 24" x 36" poster lists the 33 chiropractic principles as Ralph Stephenson published them in his 1927 book. This poster makes a great gift for the personal office of any principled DC, serving as a daily reminder of the foundational principles of our profession.

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This poster lists each of the 33 chiropractic principles as pulished in 1927 by Ralph W. Stephenson, DC.

This clean and professional looking 24" x 36" poster lists the 33 chiropractic principles as Ralph Stephenson published them in his 1927 book. This poster makes a great gift for the personal office of any principled DC, serving as a daily reminder of the foundational principles of our profession.